bjnp-discover.nse 說明

針對canon Pixma 網路型態的印表機及掃描機, 可以透過 BJNP通訊協定, 取得相關訊息 現在少用 , 我拿一台別家事務機測試, 當然是不通 官方: 內容: description = [[ Retrieves printer or scanner information from a remote device supporting the BJNP protocol. The protocol is known to be supported by network based Canon devices. ]] --- -- @usage -- sudo nmap -sU -p 8611,8612 --script bjnp-discover <ip> -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 8611/udp open canon-bjnp1 -- | bjnp-discover: -- | Manufacturer: Canon -- | Model: MG5200 series -- | Description: Canon MG5200 series -- | Firmware version: 1.050 -- |_ Command: BJL,BJRaster3,BSCCe,NCCe,IVEC,IVECPLI -- 8612/udp open canon-bjnp2 -- | bjnp-discover: -- | Manufacturer: Canon -- | Model: MG5200 series -- | Description: Canon MG5200 series -- |_ Command: MultiPass 2.1,IVEC -- categories = {"safe", "discovery"}...