
這是 canon印表機 通訊協定 the BJNP protocol , 用來查詢內網 是否存在這樣設備 執行: nmap --script broadcast-bjnp-discover 官方網址: 內容: description = [[ Attempts to discover Canon devices (Printers/Scanners) supporting the BJNP protocol by sending BJNP Discover requests to the network broadcast address for both ports associated with the protocol. The script then attempts to retrieve the model, version and some additional information for all discovered devices. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script broadcast-bjnp-discover -- -- @output -- | broadcast-bjnp-discover: -- | -- | Printer -- | Manufacturer: Canon -- | Model: MG5200 series -- | Description: Canon MG5200 series -- | Firmware version: 1.050 -- | Command: BJL,BJRaster3,BSCCe,NCCe,IVEC,IVECPLI -- | Scanner -- | ...