broadcast-pc-duo 說明
可以找尋 LAN 裡頭 的 PC-Duo client 指令: nmap --script broadcast-pc-duo PC-Duo 這是一套 遠端控管軟體, 類似 teamviewer... 但他 提供 中央控管與VMware 特性 官方網址: 內文: local bin = require "bin" local coroutine = require "coroutine" local nmap = require "nmap" local os = require "os" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local table = require "table" description = [[ Discovers PC-DUO remote control hosts and gateways running on a LAN by sending a special broadcast UDP probe. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script broadcast-pc-duo -- -- @output -- Pre-scan script results: -- | broadcast-pc-duo: -- | PC-Duo Gateway Server -- | - WIN2K3SRV-1 -- | PC-Duo Hosts -- |_ - WIN2K3SRV-1 -- -- @args broadcast-pc-duo.timeout specifies the amount of secon...