broadcast-pppoe-discover 說明

尋找網路上 PPPoE server 官方: 內文: local nmap = require "nmap" local pppoe = require "pppoe" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local table = require "table" description = [[ Discovers PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) servers using the PPPoE Discovery protocol (PPPoED). PPPoE is an ethernet based protocol so the script has to know what ethernet interface to use for discovery. If no interface is specified, requests are sent out on all available interfaces. As the script send raw ethernet frames it requires Nmap to be run in privileged mode to operate. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script broadcast-pppoe-discover -- -- @output -- | broadcast-pppoe-discover: -- | Server: 08:00:27:AB:CD:EF -- | Version: 1 -- | Type: 1 -- | TAGs -- | AC-Name: ISP -- | Service-Name: test -- | AC-Cookie: e98010ed...